• 主体材质


    1.   采用重力洗铸技术一体成型

    2.   并且经过全铜主体试水试气

  • 阀芯型号


    1.      采用陶瓷阀芯,使用寿命长,开关可使用50万余次

    2.      耐高温,耐腐蚀,抗老化

    3.      内置静音装置,减少噪音


  • 起泡器

    1.      气泡更丰富,更节水

    2.      多层滤网,出水更干净       

    3.      降低冲击力,使水柱更均匀,减少喷溅

  • 手柄

    1.   采用优质手柄

    2.   并且100%电镀全检

     3.   保障手柄的完美无缺

  • 编织管

    1.      采用7根304不锈钢丝编制,整管柔韧性好,


    2.      耐高温,耐腐蚀,防爆效果强

    3.      内胆采用PEX管,环保更健康


Yuhuan federal sanitary ware manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a company with more than 10 years of professional production FEDERAL brand sanitary ware manufacturing company. We are committed to providing customers with high lever faucet and OEM and ODM service for global health services. Our main customers are health importers and wholesalers and large hotel project procurement.   备案号:浙ICP备18046045号-1